If you need more assistance we offer Online Training and Onsite training as well as consulting. Learn more in the Learning Portal. The dialog to install the Eclipse Git team provider is depicted in the following screenshot.
Repeat the procedure for your email address via the user. Configure Git to rebase during pull operations To use rebase during the pull operation set the pull. Validate the setup After this setup, the configuration should look similar to the following screenshot.
Configuring the proxy settings If you are using a proxy server, you can configure it via Windows Preferences General Network Connection. The Eclipse workspace and Git repositories. Create a new project Create a new Java project called com. Put project under Git version control To put your new project under version control with Git, right-click on your project, select Team Share Project Git.
Your project is now moved to your Git repository. Change a file and commit the change Change the System. Commit more files Commit the Readme. In the History view click all toggle buttons as shown in the screenshot. Link with Editor and Selection Show all changes in repository containing the selected resources Show all Branches and Tags. Open an older version with the current version of a file via the History view We want to see the version of the GitTest. Accidently add a unwanted file an remove it Create a new file nammed test.
Add more projects to your Git repository You can of course have multiple projects in a Git repository. Validate the project move and commit changes Afterwards validate that the projects have been moved.
Exercise: Clone an existing repository In this exercise you will clone a Git repository and import the existing projects from this repository into your workspace. After the Git repository is cloned, you can import existing projects. Exercise: Import projects from an existing repository.
Exercise: Using interactive rebase in Eclipse Git allows to adjust the local commit history via the interactive rebase functionality. Simple interactive rebase operations available via the History view To reword a commit, right-click on it in the History view and select Modify Reword to change the commit message.
Performing a full interactive rebase via Eclipse. Here is the result of the rebase operation displayed in the History view. Additional configuration options for Git 8. Git user settings in Eclipse To use Git you must configure your full name and email address.
Default clone location If you clone a new repository via the Eclipse IDE, it will be cloned by default to a new sub-folder in a default directory. Configuring the toolbar and the menu for Git usage To simplify access to the common Git operations you can activate the Git toolbar. Details on the Git views 9. Using the Git Staging view The Git Staging view allows staging and committing as well as reverting changes.
Git integration into the Package and the Project Explorer The Package Explorer view shows indicators on the files to show their status. The file name describes the state of the file from the following table:. Using the History view for viewing the Git history 9. Purpose of the history view The History view allows you to analyze the history of your Git repository and to see to which commits the branches and tags points. If you select a commit you see the commit message and the involved files. If the "compare mode" toggle is selected from the view menu of the History view you can also double click a file to compare it to the previous version.
The History view filters The History view has quite some options to configure which commits are displayed. The following listing gives an overview of the purpose of the different buttons. Depending on your use case you may want to select the following option:. Show all commits of the current repository. Therefore make sure that Show all branches and tags a is turned on and Show all changes in repository e is selected.
Using search You can also search for commits based on committer, author, ID or comment. Showing details of a commit If you want to see more details about a commit, right-click it and select the Open in Commit Viewer entry. Performing Git operations in Eclipse Pull, push and fetch You can use the Git Repositories view to pull, push and fetch to remote repositories.
Basic team operations Once you have placed a project under version control you can start using team operations on your project. The Team menu is also available from the context menu of an opened editor. The most important operations are described in the following list. Team operations available on the project If you select a project you can use additional team operations from the context menu.
Team Pull to pull in changes from your remote Git repository Team Fetch to fetch the current state from the remote repository Team Switch To to checkout existing or create new branches Team Push to push changes to your remote Git repository Team Tag to create and manage tags. Amending a commit Git amend allows adjusting the last commit. Creating and switching branches in Eclipse Right-click your project and select Team Branch to create new branches or to switch between existing branches.
You can also switch branches in the History view or the Git repositories view. Starting a merge operation in Eclipse Eclipse supports merging of branches to add the changes committed on one branch into another branch. Rebasing a branch onto another branch The Git Repositories view allows you to rebase your currently checkout branch onto another branch. In the following dialog you can select the branch onto which you want to rebase. Solving conflicts created by merge, rebase or other operations If during a Git operation, two changes are conflicting, you have to solve these conflicts manually.
Git reset and Git reflog The History view allows you to reset your current branch to a commit. Selecting individual commits via git cherry-pick In the History view, you can cherry-pick a commit via the context menu. To re-apply the changes by the "Good commit", cherry-pick the good commit. Comparing and replacing files based on the Git history Comparing files Eclipse Git allows you to compare a selected file, folder or project with another commit or with the Git index.
Replacing files The Team Replace with menu entry allows you to replace the current selection with the version contained in the selected commit or the Git index. See Git information line by line aka git blame Eclipse allows to display the information which commit and person change a line. This action is also available via the line ruler in most editors.
Stash via the Git repository view The git stash command is available in the Git repositories view. Creating patches To create a patch for a set of changes with Eclipse, select the resources for which you want to create a patch in the Package Explorer view. Using Eclipse Git with GitHub Push changes After you made changes and committed them to your local repository, you can select Team Push to upstream on the project folder, to push your changes to your GitHub.
Writing good commit messages Importance of Git commit messages A commit adds a new version to the repository. Guidelines for useful commit messages A commit message should have a header and a body.
Example message The following can serve as an example for a commit message. Short summary less than 50 characters Detailed explanation, if required, line break at around 72 characters more stuff to describe Fixes: bug Change-Id: I26b5f96ccb7bdc9b7a5cbaafba9fd. Good and bad example for a Git history The following listing shows the output of the git log --oneline command of a Git repository with bad commit messages.
Contributing to EGit - Getting the source code This support is provided by the EGit project via a set of plug-ins software component. Different update sites for Eclipse Git. See License for license information. Interoperability of Git command line settings with the Eclipse IDE If you have already configured Git for the command line, no additional setup is required in the Eclipse IDE and you can skip this exercise.
The Eclipse workspace and Git repositories It is good practice to place your Git repositories outside the Eclipse workspace. File is committed to the Git repository and has not changed. File is neither staged nor committed. File is flagged to be ignored by Git operations. File has changed since the last commit. If this should not be so in your case you can install it as follows:. Here you can also find a video tutorial on integrating github with Eclipse including already an intro on how to clone a public github repository see below.
The operation Pull combines Fetch and Merge. Enter the repository you want to fetch branches from. If you cloned this repository, the remote branch will be selected as default. In the following window you will have to select what you want to fetch. As default, all branches are selected. The result of the Fetch -operation will be shown in a final confirmation window. Follow the same steps to apply a Pull. Local changes made to your local branches can be pushed to remote repositories causing a merge from your branches into the branches of the remote repository X pulls from Y is the same as Y pushes to X.
The Push wizard is pretty much the same as the Fetch wizard. Choose the branches you want to push or click Add all branches spec if you want to push all branches.
You can also select branches you want to delete from the remote repository. If you are done hit Finish. A final window will show the results of the Push. Comparisons between your workspace and the local repository or between the current branch and others and are done via the Synchronize operation.
In this case you can also include local uncommitted changes. To compare the branches you may want to switch to the Synchronizing perspective, where you can get a more detailed view of several changes. Here is an example of a Synchronize operation in the Synchronizing perspective:. Every commit you select comes up with a revision comment and revision details. Selecting a file in the revision details will scroll the revision comment to the changes to that file.
Any patch can only include one commit that is from a parent to its child. To create a patch you have to open the History View first see previous section. Right click a commit you want to create a patch for this must be a child with exactly one parent and select Create Patch…. Select either Clipboard or File and hit Next and click Finish. Add a. To track a file, add it or select the Show untracked files -option in the commit-wizard and commit it directly.
By deleting the file from the workspace, the file will disappear and therefore no icon will appear. However, it will still be removed from the repository with the next commit. However, it can only be turned off via the command line. Performing a Reset operation resets this status as well. The index, sometimes referred to as staging area, is an area between the working directory and the repository.
Any dirty file can be added to the index with an Add operation. You can compare files to the index and reset the index without resetting the workspace. In the original Git, files had to be added to the index before performing a Commit operation. Sep 21, Initial product. Nov 26, Feb 8, Oct 7, View code. MeGit Looking for a powerful, yet easy-to-use, fully open-source user interface for git? Features EGit and hence MeGit provides tons of features: Nice visualization of the git history making it easy to keep a good overview when analyzing, merging or rebasing branches, cherry-picking commits, changing the git history, etc.
Installing MeGit Download the archive for your operating system from the releases , unpack the archive and run the megit or megit. MeGit requires Java 11 or higher to be installed on your system. Building You'll need maven installed on your system.