How do you say bullying in spanish

Reverso for Windows It's free Download our free app. Join Reverso, it's free and fast! Register Login. These examples may contain rude words based on your search. These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

Are you bullying me into dropping an anti-bullying charity? I'm tired of you bullying me! Ajussi, are you bullying me because I'm a woman? Why are you bullying me? If I believed that morality required meek submission to bullies and tyrants, I might have the same reaction.

Psychologically, why do bullies always beat up on the defenceless? We are so inured to the laxness and corruptness, that we defend the bullies and liars. I'm not sure who told them it was wise to stand up to the schoolyard bully, but that same person may want to remind them that the bully is generally the bully because he can hit really, really hard. It's similar to a kid joining sides with a bully just so the bully doesn't pick on him.

Male bullies tend to use more physical violence than female bullies, although female bullies are increasingly using physical violence at an alarming rate. One concern the lead counsel might have is that their team will seem like a bunch of bullies: Too many lawyers around the courtroom could intimidate a jury.

In their intimidation of the history profession they act as bullies. We could no longer bear the terror that was being inflicted on us by gangs of bullies. Example sentences. Once, he was bullied into crawling between the legs of one of them in public. A pregnant mother was spared a prison sentence after she was bullied into drug offences by her estranged partner. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

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