Sometimes something can go wrong at the point of conception and the foetus receives too many or not enough chromosomes. The reasons for this are often unclear, but it means the foetus will not be able to develop normally, resulting in a miscarriage. This is very unlikely to recur. It does not necessarily mean there's any problem with you or your partner.
The placenta is the organ linking the mother's blood supply to her baby's. If there's a problem with the development of the placenta, it can also lead to a miscarriage.
An early miscarriage may happen by chance. But there are several things known to increase your risk of problems happening. Food poisoning , caused by eating contaminated food, can also increase the risk of miscarriage. For example:. Read more about foods to avoid in pregnancy. But as the experts see it, it's amazing how often pregnancy actually goes right. Vincent Fishers Hospital in Indiana. The simplest way to think about it is that miscarriage is sort of nature's way of making sure that a human being is compatible with life.
While many couples who suffer a miscarriage blame themselves, the truth is that they've probably done nothing to cause it. According to the American Pregnancy Association APA , the most common cause of miscarriage is a genetic abnormality in the embryo. But several other factors can also be the culprit, including thyroid disorders, diabetes, immunological disorders, drug abuse, and more.
Up to 70 percent of first trimester miscarriages and 20 percent of second trimester miscarriages occur because of a glitch in the fetus's genes, according to the March of Dimes. During fertilization, the sperm and egg each bring 23 chromosomes together to create perfectly matched pairs. This is a complex process, and a minor glitch can result in a genetic or chromosomal abnormality. While some chromosomal abnormalities are compatible with life such as trisomy 21, the most common type of Down syndrome , other chromosomal disorders are simply not.
Miscarriages caused by chromosomal abnormalities happen more often in women older than The frequency of miscarriage in women below age 20 is around 12 to 15 percent and doubles as the woman approaches age There is nothing that can be done to prevent miscarriage due to a chromosomal abnormality and once a miscarriage has begun there is nothing one can do to stop it.
Whether it be hypothyroidism too low or hyperthyroidism too high , thyroid disorders can lead to problems with infertility or cause recurrent miscarriages. The Malpani Infertility Clinic's website explains that in cases where a woman's thyroid function is low, her body will try to compensate by producing hormones that can actually suppress ovulation.
Conversely, a thyroid that is producing too many hormones can interfere with estrogen's ability to do its job, and it may make the uterus unfavorable for implantation or lead to abnormal uterine bleeding. Request an Appointment at Mayo Clinic. More Information Blighted ovum: What causes it? Share on: Facebook Twitter. Show references Tulandi T, et al. Spontaneous abortion: Risk factors, etiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic evaluation.
Accessed May 15, Strand EA. Increasing the management options for early pregnancy loss: The economics of miscarriage. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Robinson GA. Pregnancy loss. Ferri FF. Spontaneous miscarriage.
In: Ferri's Clinical Advisor Philadelphia, Pa. Rink BD, et al. Recurrent pregnancy loss. Ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage. Marx JA, et al. Acute complications of pregnancy. While some studies on stress and miscarriage are conflicting, Dr. Schaffir says that everyday tension or anxiety—tight deadlines at work or worrying about what labor will be like—has not been linked to pregnancy loss.
Things get murky when dealing with major stress, though. Plus, women under extreme stress are also more likely to smoke, drink, or do drugs, which can affect miscarriage.
Pregnant women should maintain a healthy and nutritious diet throughout pregnancy. While foods themselves don't cause miscarriage, certain items increase the risk for food-borne illnesses like listeria. Severe cases of listeria have been linked to miscarriage and pregnancy complications.
You should avoid, for example, raw meat and fish, soft cheese, unpasteurized cheese, and deli meat; check out this article for more information.
Experts have deduced that there is no link between miscarriage and sex—even though intercourse might sometimes feel uncomfortable due to your changing body. So feel free to get intimate with your partner while expecting! The vast majority of miscarriages occur because of chance chromosomal or genetic abnormalities in the unborn baby or, less commonly, hormonal imbalances or problems with the uterus or placenta, says Dr. These factors are nothing that a mom-to-be has control over.