The stronger and harder it is, the more brittle it is. The strength and hardness is a due to elastic strain within the martensite, which is a result of too many carbon atoms being in the spaces between the iron atoms in the martensite. As the amount of carbon in a steel increases up to about 0. Need help selecting a steel alloy or heat treating process? We offer metallurgy consulting. During the tempering process, the carbon atoms move out of the spaces between the iron atoms in the martensite to form the iron carbide particles.
The strain within the martensite is relieved as the carbon atoms move out from between the iron atoms in the martensite. This results in an improvement in the steel toughness, at the expense of reduced strength. The amount of tempering required depends on the particular application in which the steel will be used. In some cases, toughness is not important, so tempering at a low temperature for a short period of time is acceptable.
However, this may not be a disadvantage where shallow hardened surface layers are all that is required. Secondly, at lower carbon levels, the Ms temperature is rather high, so tempering is likely to take place. Thirdly, at the higher carbon levels the presence of retained austenite will influence the results.
Added to these factors, plain carbon steels can exhibit quench cracking which makes it difficult to obtain reliable test results. This is particularly the case at higher carbon levels, i. However, the elongation is frequently low and the impact values poor. Plain carbon steels with less than 0.
This group of steels is very versatile as they can be used for crankshafts and general machine parts as well as hand tools, such as screwdrivers and pliers. The high carbon steels 0. Another important application is for springs, where often the required mechanical properties are obtained simply by heavy cold work, i.
However, carbon steels in the range 0. Date Published: Apr Heat treatment diagrams are available for a huge number of materials in the Total Materia database. Heat treatment diagrams covering hardenability, hardness tempering, TTT and CCT can all be found in the standard dataset.
To select materials by special properties, you can use the special search check boxes in the Advanced Search module. After selecting the material of interest to you, click on the Heat Treatment link to view data for the selected material. The number of heat treatment records is displayed in brackets next to the link. Release Total Materia has launched their new advanced search module which gives greater possibilities to intuitively find the materials you are looking for!
Total Materia remains the only tool which will be used for this purpose. The Tempering of Martensite: Part One Abstract: Martensite is a highly supersaturated solid solution of carbon in iron, which, during tempering, rejects carbon in the form of finely divided carbide phases.
Ultimate tensile strength of martensitic stainless steel — Grade C is MPa. Brinell hardness of martensitic stainless steel — Grade C is approximately MPa. Department of Energy, Material Science. January William D.
Callister, David G. Eberhart, Mark ISBN Gaskell, David R. Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials 4th ed. Taylor and Francis Publishing. An Introduction to Materials Science.