User Info: jman NCR leaves you with no sheriff, so that one sucks. The town needs law so they don't get taken advantage of. Primm Slim is capable enough, but it sounds like the other guy does a better job.
He just does it his own way. It comes down to, do you want the best protection or settle for a halfway inept robot.
I would let Meyers be sheriff since he has experience and doesn't afraid of anything. User Info: realblood User Info: StaticPenguin. Meyers goes crazy and starts shooting people. There's a reason he's in prison. User Info: RealLex. User Info: zerobobo. More topics from this board Where do you find the key for the 2nd floor of the broadcast building at Black Mountain? Side Quest 2 Answers Where a can repair wepon and armor? Side Quest 11 Answers How do you get the key to open a set of doors in sunset sarsaparilla headquarters?
Side Quest 6 Answers. You may run into Powder Gangers, or even Jackal Gangers. So be ready to take those foes out when they make themselves seen. Additionally, enemies like Feral Ghouls may attack as well. One near-certainty is that you'll likely encounter Radscorpions, and perhaps even Bark Scorpions, so keep on the lookout for those as well. You'll know you're getting close to the Mojave Outpost when some gigantic statues of two men shaking hands appear on a hill in the distance.
Head towards those statues which represent a peace agreement between a rogue group and the NCR , and you'll run smack-dab into the entrance to the Mojave Outpost. Now, there's a lot to see and do in the Mojave Outpost. There's not exactly a lot to find , but there are actually plenty of people with which to speak. There are only two buildings in the outpost that can actually be explored.
One is the troop barracks. Head there first, and you'll find a couple of people worth speaking to. The woman behind the counter, Lacey, will give you some information and offer to buy and sell some goods with you. There's also a woman at the bar named Cass. Speaking with her at length should net you the Side Quest known as Heartache by the Number.
So while that won't be covered here, it will be elsewhere. Speak with her to earn it if you're interested. On the roof of the barracks, you'll find another woman known as Ghost. Indeed, if you already visited Nipton and ran into the Legion there, then this Side Quest will conclude as quickly as it begins.
Either way, with all of that done, there's nothing left to do but to head into the primary building. When you do, you'll run into a man at the front counter named Major Knight. This is the man you need to speak with about getting the NCR troops at Primm some much-needed reinforcements.
He's not entirely hard to convince, and you can even do so in more than one way. Once you've convinced him to send reinforcements to Primm, there's nothing left to do but to return to Primm yourself though you should keep in mind that by speaking with Major Knight's superior, Ranger Jackson, you'll be able to undertake another Side Quest, this one known as Can You Find it in Your Heart?
You can quick travel back to Primm at your earliest convenience, and then return to the tents at the southwestern edge of town. Once there, head back inside Lieutenant Hayes' tent and speak with him about your conversation with Major Knight back at the outpost.
His style of Justice is suitable for the Fallout Mojave. I fixed Primm Slim at random in my first game. You might only be able to make him sheriff if you talk to people, but don't you always talk to them as the first thing? I didn't know to go to the prison before talking to them, for example. So I could choose to go aaaaaaall the way over to the prison, or just push a few buttons on the robot that's right here.
Originally posted by stronginword77 :. Last edited by kaffekoppen ; 9 Nov, am. Primm Slimm, how could I not choose the robot with a cowboy hat. I usually swing by the prison first and tell the other guy a spots open so he'll head over to Primm. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 2 Nov, am. Posts: Discussions Rules and Guidelines.
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