It consisted of tinfoil wrapped around a metal roll. This roll could be turned with a hand-crank. Using an acoustic horn, sound vibrations would be pressed against a membrane which caused it to vibrate. This membrane was fitted to a needle that then carved the sound vibrations into the rotation tinfoil. A phonograph record actually does refer to these disc-shaped records.
The gramophone was a is that can play sounds from discs or records. The patent was created on September 26th, Using the acoustic horn and needle-fitted membrane, the sound was recorded from left to right.
This created a better audio quality than the phonograph recording because it avoided vertical movements which would have caused tracking issues. Later on, the metal discs were replaced by shellac discs. These were patented on June 21st, A modern record player can only play shellac gramophone records if a special cartridge is used. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams?
Learn more. What's the difference between phonograph and gramophone? Ask Question. Asked 7 years, 9 months ago. Active 5 years, 11 months ago. Viewed 49k times. I didn't find what's the difference between the two. Sources also mix up the inventors of them. Notice also that the names kind of consist of the same 2 words, written in different order. Improve this question.
Alaa M. Next came the age of digitized content, when physical recordings came to the brink of extinction, except for DJs spinning records on a DJ turntable. Hence the historical confusion of the terms "record player" and "turntable," as we mentioned before.
When it comes down to it, the choice between purchasing a simple turntable or a full-on record player depends on:. The fun part begins once you have made your decision about whether to buy a record player or a turntable.
The possibilities are endless! Pick an established company with a good reputation, and you will be sure to find a great machine. Victrola offers the widest range, from new-wave record players to retro-style music centers that combine:. You will want to match your expectations of the machine with the features it has to offer. Modern record players can make the conversion to the digital sphere easy. Recordings are either:. Boasting a wide range of aesthetics and functions, Victrola record players have it all.
The choice is yours. Retro record players come in all shapes and sizes. They can be:. At the end of the day, whether you buy a turntable or a record player depends on what you want to get out of the device and your level of involvement in making it work.
Some people seek out the opportunity to mix and match their equipment, preferring to buy separate pieces they will enjoy assembling.
Others just want to sit back, relax, and enjoy that sweet, sweet music from their vinyl collection. Library of Congress. Understanding the Difference: Turn Table vs. Turn Table vs. Record Player - Apples and Oranges In the current vernacular, turntables are associated with DJs spinning records — this cultural link that many people, especially younger crowds, share, has seeped into common parlance.
Turntables To fully grasp how the turntable works, we need to take a step back and look at the basics of audio equipment engineering. RIAA Equalizer Equalizers either increase or attenuate frequencies of sound to fit the range of the human ear , Hz. Record Players Does turntable technology sound too complicated? Where Record Players Come From Thomas Edison developed a receiver for the sound currents using a cylinder covered in tin foil and the thinnest membrane he could find to make up a diaphragm, which he strapped to a needle.
The Turntable, A Key Replacement Ten years later, another man living in the United States made a breakthrough in the history of sound reproduction.
The Birth of the Recording Industry Imperfect was better than nonexistent. Then what is the difference? Turntable vs. Record Player. Record Player Is a record sound reproduction system with a turntable, an amplifier and speakers integrated as one unit. Standard Play SP Record is commonly known as '78'.